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Tech News : Google To Use Generative AI For Ad Campaigns

A report in the Financial Times (drawing upon an internal Google Presentation) claims that Google plans to use AI to generate new advertisements, drawing upon those already created by humans.  Creates The Ads For You  The use of generative AI will mean that advertisers will only need to supply a small amount of creative content as the basis for…

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Sustainability : UK’s First Co-Owned Solar Park

Ripple Energy has announced that it is creating the UK’s first c-owned solar park, allowing those who buy shares to benefit from green electricity, money off bills, and the feelgood factor of the climate and environmental benefits.  Where?  Ripple Energy says the new ‘Derril Water Solar Park’ will be on a 175-acre site in the Torridge district of Devon,…

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Tech Trivia : Did You Know?

The Birth of The IC Around this time 62 years ago (April 25th, 1961), Robert Noyce (co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor) patented his invention – a monolithic integrated circuit (IC). Jack Kilby patented a similar invention, but his version was difficult to mass produce due to external gold wire connections. Thus, Noyce’s version of the IC became widely adopted due…

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Tech Tip – Ask For Sources In ChatGPT

If you’ve produced some content using ChatGPT and, knowing that it can sometimes generate incorrect information, would quickly like to check that the source data is from reputable sites, here’s how: – In the window below the last response in a chat, simply type “please provide sources for the information you presented in this response” (or similar). – ChatGPT…

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Tech Tip – Changing Your WhatsApp Wallpaper Background

If you’d like to personalise who you’re chatting to by using their photo as a background in the chat, or you’d simply like to change and brighten up your WhatsApp experience, you can easily change the default background to chats. Here’s how: Within a chat for a particular person, tap on the three dots (top right) and select ‘Wallpaper’….

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Security Stop Press : Public USB Charger “Juice Jacking” Warning 

The FBI has warned that cyber criminals are hijacking public USB ports to introduce malware and monitoring software onto devices. The FBI says that software installed through a corrupted USB port (known as “juice jacking”) can lock a device or export personal data and passwords directly to the perpetrator, which criminals can then use to access online accounts or…

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Sustainability : Quantum Magnetic Material Discovery Could Deliver Ultrafast Sustainable Devices  

The discovery of new quantum materials with magnetic properties could bring ultra-fast, more energy efficient, and sustainable computers and mobile devices.  Quantum Breakthrough In Sweden  A research team at team at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have reported making a quantum breakthrough by being the first to make a device made of a two-dimensional magnetic material that works…

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Tech-Trivia : Did You Know?

This Week in History : April 23, 2005: A Trip to the Zoo and $1.6 Billion Later … On April 23, 2005, at exactly 8:31:52 pm local time, the first ever YouTube video was uploaded. It was titled ‘Me at the Zoo’ and is a 19 second recording of the co-founder of YouTube (Jawed Karim) standing in front of an elephant…

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Tech News : Quantum Threat Growing

Following large investments in quantum computing followed by the ensuing advancement of this technology in recent years, as well as looking forward to benefits this could bring, there is also the growing threat of ‘quantum hacking.’ Quantum Computers  Quantum computers can carry out complex calculations at high speed. Whereas traditional computers store data in binary ‘bits’ (ones and zeros)…

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